It’s almost two years since I set up And after being involved in journalism for the last quarter-century, I can’t tell you what a fantastically liberating experience it’s been to be able to self-publish again, and not have to worry about deadlines, word counts, hack-happy sub-editors and PR-imposed censorship.
Ostensibly, I set the website up as ‘catablog’ vehicle to showcase some of my published work across newspapers, magazines and varying media. But also because after the deaths in 2016 of some people I’d once known — David Bowie and George Michael being the money notable — I needed an outlet to make sense of some of my diaries, stories and interviews.
Today, 10 January, also marks three years since the Dame went to meet that his Starman in the sky. But what struck me today is that even though I’m known in most writer circles as the guy that did the BowieStyle book, the most popular pages on here are not about Bowie. Yes, even I’m a little surprised.
I’ve compiled a quick-fire list of the top ten most popular pages at Whether you’re just discovering the blog – which I’m extremely happy to say has attracted almost 95,000 unique users – or you’re a fabulously faithful follower then thanks for being here. Enjoy. Links are in the chart position.
Gosh, it’s just like Top Of The Pops, eh.
10. (2,564 views)
At Number Ten this week, it’s Queen’s Bohemian Catastrophe, and the story of a troubled production that went on to become a cinematic blockbuster. Ready, Freddie?
9. (2,675 views)
At Number Nine, it’s Record Collector’s curious case of the missing Roxy Music reviews. Featuring everyone’s favourite Ferrari, Lord Bryan Ferry of Byron, David Bowie makes a brief cameo appearance in this one too.
8. (2,805 views)
At Eight, down in space it’s always 1982 because it’s Adam Ant is the Mirror Man, by the Human League. Even Ian Burden, the song’s co-composer, says he had no idea that Phil Oakey’s lyrics were about the insect warrior until this story came out.
7. (3,423 views)
At Number Seven, wind your wirelesses back another year because it’s that Ant man again, with the one about 1981, One February Tuesday.
6. (3,525 views)
At Six, it’s George Michael and a special spoken word piece about Queen and, well, with a second chart smash by proxy, David Bowie.
5. (3,604 views)
At Five, it’s About Steve Pafford, a blatantly biographical single if ever there was one, and no I have absolutely no idea who that Steve Pafford guy is either.
4. (3,628 views)
At Number Four, it’s the only long-player in the Top 10; it’s Annie Lennox and Dave Stewart’s contender for the best album of all time, Eurythmics and Savage.
3. (4,433 views)
At Three, it’s the most of the most personal hits in the countdown, it’s I Want Your Sex, the 2016 remix by the late, great George Michael.
2. (4496 views)
With her Number Two stuck behind something better, it’s Stupid Madonna, the epitome of a No.2, and the double B-side, Causing A Commotion and I’m So Stupid parts and two. It’s a long one, that. No wonder its writer received death threats.
1. (9073 views)
And already outperforming everything in the past two years, crashing into the top spot it’s the highest new entry. Yes, it’s straight in at Number One for the irrepressible Kate Bush with her birdie song Humming. Who do you think it’s about? David Bowie… maybe?
Don’t forget to not listen to the full Top 40 rundown on Kitchen Radio 1 this Sunday with Bruno Cooks, and to play us out it’s Pots and Pans’ People on 45. Keep yourself alive!
Steve Pafford